I started off by having a brainstorming session of what we want to have on our list and we came up with 50 activities.These are the ones we came up with...
- Build a foRt
- mAKe homEmAde iCe creAm
gO to The zOosEe Cars 2- tAke a picNic To tHe laKe
- go SwiMmiNg
plAy On thE sLip n' Slide- buiLd sAnd caStles
go For a biKe riDespEnd aFterNoon at pArkgEt a Pizza- plAy kiCk baLL
- go To cRaterS of tHe MooN
fEed thE ducKsmAke hOmeMade buBblesruN thRouGh thE spriNklers- maKe biRd feeDers
fingEr pAinTplAy sidEwalK cHalk- pUt on A plAy
havE sleeP oVer iN backyard- plAy Tag wiTh neigHbor kids
hAve a BBQ- plAy flaShligHt tag
waTch fiReworKs- eAt Reed's Dairy iCe crEam
waTch trAins pAss by pArk- rOll plAy
go to trAin musEumstAy in oUr pj's All dAyrIde sPeed Train in SLCdeldO a sErviCe ProJect- dAy trIp to JackSon
riDe Fast tRain in UT- mAke SidewAlk cHalk Paint
go to dRive iN- take A natUre wAlk
- mAke cooKies for a fRiend
- plaNt sOme floWers
- pAint wiTh waTer coLors
- plAy hoUse
TemPle viSitor cenTerChucKars gAme- RigBy lakE
- Day in W. YelloWstoNe
slEep oVer wiTh a friEndP&B taKe piCs & mAke bOok- haVe wAter bAlloon fiGht
- heaRt attAck somEones houSe
- plAy dUck Duck goOse
This is a pic of the first one I came up with. I thought it looked too cluttered so I re did it.
I had a poster sized frame that wasn't being used.
So, I took some scrapbook paper and attached it to the cardboard the frame had. This ensured I had it the right size.
Next I went to word pad and typed up each activity and printed it out.
Cut them down to size and pasted them to the scrapbook paper with a glue stick.
Put the cardboard back in the frame and hung it on the wall.
Now as we do each activity I take a few pics and we cross it off the board.
I will post about each of the activities as they happen.
Which we already have a handful we have done. So, I have some catch up to do.
1 comment:
If I want to make something like this, I have a hard time coming up with my own ideas after I've read someone else's list. So. . . I love the idea but didn't read your list. Looks great though
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