Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Bucket List

I have seen these all over blogland and loved the idea so much I decided to do one for our little family.

I started off by having a brainstorming session of what we want to have on our list and we came up with 50 activities.These are the ones we came up with...
  1. Build a foRt
  2. mAKe homEmAde iCe creAm
  3. gO to The zOo
  4. sEe Cars 2
  5. tAke a picNic To tHe laKe
  6. go SwiMmiNg
  7. plAy On thE sLip n' Slide
  8. buiLd sAnd caStles
  9. go For a biKe riDe
  10. spEnd aFterNoon at pArk
  11. gEt a Pizza
  12. plAy kiCk baLL
  13. go To cRaterS of tHe MooN
  14. fEed thE ducKs
  15. mAke hOmeMade buBbles
  16. ruN thRouGh thE spriNklers
  17. maKe biRd feeDers
  18. fingEr pAinT
  19. plAy sidEwalK cHalk
  20. pUt on A plAy
  21. havE sleeP oVer iN backyard
  22. plAy Tag wiTh neigHbor kids
  23. hAve a BBQ
  24. plAy flaShligHt tag
  25. waTch fiReworKs
  26. eAt Reed's Dairy iCe crEam
  27. waTch trAins pAss by pArk
  28. rOll plAy
  29. go to trAin musEum
  30. stAy in oUr pj's All dAy
  31. rIde sPeed Train in SLCdel
  32. dO a sErviCe ProJect
  33. dAy trIp to JackSon
  34. riDe Fast tRain in UT
  35. mAke SidewAlk cHalk Paint
  36. go to dRive iN
  37. take A natUre wAlk
  38. mAke cooKies for a fRiend
  39. plaNt sOme floWers
  40. pAint wiTh waTer coLors
  41. plAy hoUse
  42. TemPle viSitor cenTer
  43. ChucKars gAme
  44. RigBy lakE
  45. Day in W. YelloWstoNe
  46. slEep oVer wiTh a friEnd
  47. P&B taKe piCs & mAke bOok
  48. haVe wAter bAlloon fiGht
  49. heaRt attAck somEones houSe
  50. plAy dUck Duck goOse
This is a pic of the first one I came up with. I thought it looked too cluttered so I re did it. 
I had a poster sized frame that wasn't being used. 
So, I took some scrapbook paper and attached it to the cardboard the frame had. This ensured I had it the right size. 
Next I went to word pad and typed up each activity and printed it out. 
Cut them down to size and pasted them to the scrapbook paper with a glue stick. 
Put the cardboard back in the frame and hung it on the wall. 
Now as we do each activity I take a few pics and we cross it off the board. 
I will post about each of the activities as they happen. 
Which we already have a handful we have done. So, I have some catch up to do. 

1 comment:

Ashley Nicole Designs said...

If I want to make something like this, I have a hard time coming up with my own ideas after I've read someone else's list. So. . . I love the idea but didn't read your list. Looks great though