Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 1&2

Part of this blog is journaling my journey of loosing the weight (my two lovely children have so kindly left for me). I gained 60lbs with my first and still had 20 of it to loose when I got pregnant with my second. Since the birth of my daughter, almost 8 months ago, I have only lost 25lbs, leaving me with 35lbs to loose. I must confess I haven't been doing the things I need to in order to drop the weight quicker, thus beginning this process.
Going into an Idaho winter will not fare on my side of this process. Between holiday food and lack of being outside much I am forced to take a strong hold on my goal and work overtime. Landing myself with a whole (half of) new me in the Spring. Thank you Meg for pointing me in the direction and being there for me as I begin the journey you have had so much sucess in.
Yesterday, I dusted off one of my dance workout DVD's and my son and I cut a rug. While I was getting it set up he asked me what I was doing. After I told him she asked if we were going to the gym and after I told him no, he then asked "how do you workout at home momma? So, I showed him. It is inspiring to have my little 3 year old dancing right along side me, adding to my modivation. This morning as we were leaving the house he asked if we were going to dance again today. I informed him we would be and he said "let's go then mom"
I love it, just the inspiration I need.
I was looking around this morning at some of my fav blogs and Jacey at My Trashy Treasure is doing a project entitled project365. I have seen quite a few of my friends on facebook doing something similar with stating one thing they are greatful for each day and Jacey is taking it to a whole different level. I have been thinking about adding a "thankful for" section to my blog each day starting off with today as number 1
I feel so very blessed to live in the United States of America. Being Veteran's Day I find this fitting to be my first "thankful for" post. My parents have always tried to instill in us kids the importance of living in this country. Granted, it does have many problems that seem as though will ever be resolved. However, we enjoy many freedoms others could only dream about, and for that I am greatful.
Here is a shout out to all the men and women that sacrifice so much so we can continue enjoying the life we love. Thank you to their families for sacrifice just as much by letting them leave to enter into harms way to defend thier fellow American's. And a special thanks to all the men and women who paid the ultimate pirce, thier life! You are greatly appreciated and please know, I do not think you died in vain. I will do my best to live the life you fought to the death for. God Bless America!!!


Jenny said...

Court, I love your motivation..your children and family are precious! Enjoy this stage when they are so dependant upon you. Love that you are dancing, I need to do more of that! I will have to check out some of these fun! Happy Veteran's Day!

Miss Mustard Seed said...

Good for you losing 25 lbs. I lost 30 lbs after having my second one and I have only 10 more to's just so hard to get motivated as the weather cools. I love baking and creamy soups...not good for weight loss! I wish you the best.