Friday, October 16, 2009

my 1st thrifie day

made a trip to the DI on Wednesday and found a few keepers. I have been wanting a spoon and fork set to hang in my
kitchen for years. Have only stumbled across a few sets and all were too expensive. Well, not today...these ceramic lovlies were sitting on a bottom shelf
and only marked at $2. These little ladies will no longer be sporting their brown drab dresses. The perfect "little black dress" was waiting at home. The bowl which has the Target label on the bottom was a whopping 1 buck! which I saw the exact same one later that day while at Target for $14.99. woot woot! Darling little ceramic vase was $1.50 and the children's books were 50 cents and $1. I also found a trash bag filled with brand new yarn I picked up for my mom for $2.00. She met me in town to pick it up before I went home she was that excited about it. Needless to say I didn't get her home to make the shot. Oh, well some finds are just too good to wait for.
In my excitement to get the spoon and fork changed I didn't get an alone before, so this will have to do.



Jacey Autumn Photography said...

I LOOOOOVE this fork and spoon! I hope to come across a pair asap! Love what you did with them. Thanks for linking up! and....CONGRATS!!!!...check out my blog! :)

Jenny said...

love the fork & spoon..what a fab find!! Is it ok to covet? lol!